fifa 11 is the best in the series yet but read on

User Rating: 8 | FIFA Soccer 11 PC
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From the Xbox 360 menu

this is definitely what they did
although definitely better than its predecessors

graphics, i wonder when they gonna make the engine superior and improve the graphics by 10 times than what it is now.
when? i tell you when never! because they make this game for 3 platforms, we are NOT gonna get any better quality then those ps3 and Xbox versions

definitely to sucks to play with keyboard you've gotta use a controller, I am using a ps3 controller dual shock 3 with motioninjoy drivers and game plays well with it.
Controls for this game are atrocious with a keyboard. Don't even bother with this one if you're not using a controller.
You can't even key map or change display settings ingame.
AI overall is a joke.
The most blatant and poorly made console port I have played. I am sure its tolerable on a console.