I guess I missed something.

User Rating: 8 | FIFA Soccer 06 XBOX
I'll be the first to admit that I was shocked to see GSpots review of this game. I think it was the worse FIFA of the series which doesnt mean its a bad game just a dissapointment to me. The Graphics, sound, and interface are all good. The problem I had was the gameplay was too hard even on easy level. I do not like the player editor, I like to make the USA team better than it is so I can play a World Cup and win, once again NO World Cup. They have been told about this time after time by Fans and reviewers alike.
Next year all the EA games will get a face lift. They will join with ESPN to give a good poduct line. I disagree with the review from Gamespot on one final point, I liked John Motson, I think he is the best their is. Moreover, the new guy is just too dry.
I gave this game an 8.0 which is probably too high. As always go to Hollywood or Blockbuster rent it and judge for yourself.
