the game is not that surprising as i expected

User Rating: 5 | F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC
I'm big fan of f.e.a.r. from the bigging but compared to previous one there's nothing much, and even the AI sucks compared to previous ones, only saw sum challenge is in the fight with the big blueish mech. inside the building fight and the fight when we were ambushed by few nightcrawlers with slow mo abilities, thats the only thing, and theres lot less ghost like things compared to previous because some people like those type of creepy stuff, so this one is so disappointing compared to previous, hope they will come up with some thing better than this in project origin, as i saw in project origin gameplay trailer its surprisingly better than this, but i dont know much about reviewing, coz im kind a new to this and i have'nt played much games as others i've seen, im just writing what i feel while playing and after playing the this game