well worth a purchase, especially if you played the previous installments.

User Rating: 6.5 | F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC
the game graphics are rather dated at this point, but none the less, the gameplay that made it a favourite shines through.

the intro is short and sweet and starts off on a plane ( which actually gave me motion sickness due to the over dramatised camera actions ) and then you land by means of parachute.

ive only just played the game for about 3/4 of an hour at this stage, but i cant continue due to ill health and the fact its really late at night and i should be in bed.


for previous players , i would suggest a purchase but only on the premise that your getting it at a discount price/bargain bin. its not worth a purchase if youve never played f.e.a.r before, but if your bored and getting the game cheap or second hand, it'll pass away a few hours for a small sum.

would have gotten a 7.5 rating but the graphics let it down.