Very satisfied with this stand alone XP

User Rating: 9 | F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC
This game is essentially a nice "hit" of F.E.A.R ( In my opinion its very slick futuristic sci-fi office warfare dab-ling in phsychosomatic military medical research with something else i can't quite put my finger on) keeping the fire going until the sequel comes out. It' s a little lame in the beginning but it gets better. The story maybe a different version of the original time line but it's just trying to reaffirm the earlier story, so if you know it ,yer like oh yea I remember that. Some new weapons, enemies and level designs keep it fresh enough to want try some new tactics. I like to quick save before every action scenario and try to for example take out everyone with melee only or use the least amount of ammo or take the least amount of damage ramping up the difficulty level as well. All things said this game in my opinion is good enough to push this series further along, I was completely satisfied.