SENJU review on F.E.A.R. - Perseus Mandate which is the second expansion pak to the FPS, F.E.A.R.

User Rating: 9.5 | F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate is to uncover the mystery that surronds Armacham and the truth behind the Perseus Project. Pesonally, I really like this second add-on pak besides knowing that the game was blased by the critics.

Some words about Level design

However, being a game developer (back when...), I notice the first couple Intervals (that is what they call them but you can look them as "Chapters"), were very crude. I could have created a better map! I almost decided not to play the game but I am glad I kept going. Especially from the middle on, the level design has improved tremendously! It is like like a top LD director giving a young 17 dude a chance to put a map into this game. Anyway, just run through quickly the first Intervals and then take your time with the others.

The Intervals
Interval 01 - Arrival
Interval 02 - Revelation
Interval 03 - Apprehension
Interval 04 - Devastation
Interval 05 - Infiltration
Interval 06 - Exploration
Interval 07 - Extermination
Interval 08 - Showdown

I never think of myself as a very good shooter. But for some reason, I was able to go through this game on "High Diffuculty" and a few places on "Extreme Diffuculty". However, when it came to the last Interval - Showdown I had to adjust to "easy". The very last fight when trying to get to the helicopter, there were not many "Medical Kits" around and could not get my hands on some of the more powerfull weaspons. So I felt the "Difficulty" for this game was not even. I susspect you will will be adjusting the Difficulty level from time to time.

One thing I like about the original F.E.A.R was the insane scary atmosphere. I just did not get much of that in this add-on. There were a few creepy moments but not enough. It is kind of sad the developers did not work harder on that. I enjoy turning of the lights, putting my headphone on, turn on the volume and play completely by myself in the middle of the night. :D
Anyway, the overall scareyness was a bit of a dissappointment.

Final Say
It is a F.E.A.R. game. :D It is not as scary as F.E.AR. and not as fun as the first add-on pak - "Extraction Point". However, Extraction Point did not have much of a story where Perseus Mandate finished the storyline and loss ends. If you like F.E.A.R., I suggest you get the "Platinum Collection" which as all 3 games in one nice package box and only cost a few dollars more.