F.E.A.R. Mandate is an underappreciated game it's not as good as F.E.A.R., but well worth seeing if you loved F.E.A.R.

User Rating: 8 | F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC
**includes some spoilers of the original F.E.A.R. and extraction piont F.E.A.R. Mandate is an underappreciated game it's not as good as F.E.A.R., but well worth seeing if you loved F.E.A.R. but play F.E.A.R. and Extraction point first. If you didn't like earthier then you won't like this its bacisly a remix of the games a chaos affect of the first game you could say. Less fear oriented as fear was but more action oriented by putting you right in the chaos of the replica/act war in the streets. This can lead to some disappointing things if you only enjoyed the scares in F.E.A.R.. there a few new enemies and due to a new faction "night crawlers" a merc group but alma and Paxton have less involvement in this game but Paxton tends to have some because "you remind me of my brother" though not being "the point man" leaves the mystery of why you have slow mo powers, (in the first it was explained by being alma's son) but if you don't mind some plot holes it shouldn't bother you. The story ends on a more heartwarming moment then say the bitter end of extraction.