Perseus Mandate delivers more of the same fun we came to enjoy playing the original FEAR.

User Rating: 9 | F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate PC
I really came to love the original FEAR. I thought the game was amazing in lots of ways. It delivered plenty of that scary atmosphere that games like this just NEED to have, and yet it didn't sacrifice any of the plot but kept you glued to your seat wanting to know more and more.

Perseus Mandate is the second expansion pack of the franchise and it delivers plenty of that same gameplay that I came to love playing the original.

Im glad they managed to add new characters, weapons and story without sacrificing the essence of what made the first installment such a great game. The original formula is still all there, just beefed up a bit with some new features. I loved the fact that they managed to set it up that way and keep everything as it was even though you play a different FEAR team.

The only minor let down is that the graphics engine and design are both looking a little dated. Its not a big problem since you can't expect a completly new game from an expansion but it just draws away from the realism a bit.

All in all, still a great game in my opinion. Don't know why Gamespot gave the game such a low score but they apparently tend to do that often.
Check this out if you're a FEAR fan, you wont be dissapointed. If you're new to the franchise you shouldn't start here but work your way through the original and then check out the expansions.