A humid halo, for all you jungle lovers

User Rating: 8.6 | Far Cry Instincts Evolution XBOX
This game is basically your average FPS with some characteristics that set it apart from other ones, the game does this by giving you animal instinct (thus the name) Which give yu the ability to jump from insane heights and slaughter an enemy or two with out being detected. The phisics engine must be (and is) impressive, though sometimes your enemies seem to fly a bit to far when yu hit them. The AI is great, but the NPC's sometimes seem a bit too sensitive to your presence. The vehicles in the game work well in "concept" but yu will have to play the game a while to get used to the way that you drive them.
One thing i didnt like is that you could "see bullets" that little yellow dash that plunges into your enemies was played out "before" your PS2 was, plus the bullets move a little slow *correction* WAAAAAYYYY to slow, for my taste anyways. It is cool how yu can lunge off a mountain drop into a group of enemys and kill one or two of them before they can even start shooting,
The guns are good and i dont have many complaints, but it does suffer from sniper shock (like when you snipe someone and they just seem to go limp or jump up and die) they should have used a "blown away" feature so your enemies really seem like they got hit with a HUGE bullet. The game is also short, but the cut-scenes would make yu think otherwise. Overall the game is a good rental (unless) you have Xbox Live. Which throws the game into an entirely different level of greatness. So unless you want some insane multiplayer and have Xbox live, just rent it.