I didn't think it would shape up to be even al close to as good as Instincts, i was wrong!

User Rating: 9.2 | Far Cry Instincts Evolution XBOX
After Playing Far Cry Instincts I didn't think Ubisoft could come out with a better Fps, but Far Cry instincts Evolution was like Instincts with awsome graphics. Im not sure what Ubisoft did but the graphics were great, if not better than the orginal's. Aside from awsome graphics, Evolution will give you an awsome story mode and even better multi-player. If you happen to have Xbox Live then you should definatly pick it up because Far Cry's online play is absoloutly AWSOME!!! While Evolution's story is short it's still pretty fun ripping open a merc with your claws or blowing him to kingdom come with a pipe bomb or four.