Content out of the zoo! End of story!

User Rating: 9 | Far Cry 3 X360
After 4 years of anxious waiting, Far Cry is back with new ambitions and a more interesting FPS experience. New things that are updated from Far Cry 2 are also found, including an increased emphasis on story and content of which there's so many, you'll be addicted all the way through.

The thing that we'll remember most about Far Cry 3's presentation is the characters, especially Vaas Montenegro. Vaas is the secondary antagonist in the game. He's an impatient, inappropriate yet self-composed character that stands out as far as "insanity" is concerned. The whole point of the game is that you play as Jason Brody, who must find his friends who have been captured by pirates across the chaotic yet beautiful Rook Islands, and since I like the characters in this, it's worth mentioning them. His friends include Riley (his younger brother), Liza (his girlfriend), Oliver, Keith and my personal favourite, Daisy. As he rescues his friends, they become concerned about Jason's attitude as he gets closer to finding his friends and killing Vaas. He develops from an anxious inexperienced warrior to a bad-ass who loves to kill. This is a very good development in story that got me onto the edge of my seat throughout.

Far cry 3 is an open world FPS like none other. There are elements of different genres that are found no matter what you choose to do, from shooting enemies to giant bosses, puzzle solving whilst climbing up radio towers in order to unveil more of the map, and even role-playing elements like developing skills, crafting weapon holsters and medicines and buying weapons, attachments and paint jobs with money found in loot containers, corpses and rewards for completing side quests. I have to say that almost everything seems to pull of in the gameplay incredibly. The gunplay feels satisfying and powerful, the skills you develop are super cool and you can even have a stealth approach with suppressors and knifes. Unfortunately, not all of the story missions add to the open world experience of Far Cry 3, you do sometimes get analog-stick-only missions that are dull and very linear, although the atmosphere of them do get rid of the dullness a little.

So, in case you couldn't tell, I love this game. It has so much content, it's like a billion games crammed into each other. Plus the level editor! Some crappy super-linear missions demolish the fun for a little while, and neither of the two endings, yes, two, has good pay-off. But these are trivial concerns. Far Cry 3 will give you the best first person experience you've had in a long time. To be exact, since...well...Far Cry 2.

+ Great story development
+ Superb characters
+ A masterful gameplay experience
- The linear missions