An amazing game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 3 X360
Farcry 3 is what got me into shooters, from escaping Vaas and his pirates to fighting for your life! Now, some people wouldn't expect this. But, not only can you get amazing weapons like the flamethrower, you can also hunt too! From Tapirs to Sharks, Hunting is an important part of this game! As it upgrades your gear that either lets you carry more guns or carry more ammunition. Whats even better? You have a tattoo that makes you stronger! It can help you by adding more heath to your health bars and It can take the damage you receive and cut it by half! You might be thinking, "all this in a tattoo?" But you will find out why It's so good. This game also had an amazing storyline! As for the people that like to fight the army, their on the other island. They give you DOUBLE experience! If your looking for a good first person shooter, this is your game. Overall, It's a great game. But after you beat it, there is nothing to do. It just got... Boring. That is why I gave this game 9.5 out of 10. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did. :)