This game has alot more then fallout 3 which is amazing, you get stuffed over easier in this fallout which is amazing.!?

User Rating: 10 | Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition PS3
Fallout new vegas ultimate edition is one of the most funnest games i've ever played it is one of thos kind of games where you get addicted from the start and i was like that with fallout 3 when it first came and then i had to get the game of the year edition which was so much more fun and then new vegas came out with a whole lot of more quest and more stuff like the hardcore mode which is fantastic and all the add ons are amazing i hope bethesda or obsidian create another fallout game in the next 2 - 4 years because otherwise ill be upset. At least with this new fallout you have alot more choices which is fantastic and i also want to know if there is more quests to fallout new vegas if that was it then thats just bologne hehehe
thank you guys so much for listening it was great experience writing a review on gamespots its an honour thank you so, so much. (by the first time ever writng a review)

p.s. everyone go to, and see how much fallout new vegas ultimate edition is bye, have a good time.