New Vegas is a follow up to one of the greatest video games of all time, and even though it had a few bugs, it was fun.

User Rating: 7.5 | Fallout: New Vegas PS3
The good:

Fun, addicting, and extreme. Do it the way you want to do it, play it the way you want to play it.. pretty open, though not quite as open as fallout 3.
You can easily formulate new ways to do things, you can do things anyway that you want to.

The bad:

I noticed while playing the game, if you are up in the hills, the game won't allow you to jump on curtain rocks... even if they are a foot high... It's the invisible force field around new vegas, and nothing can stop it!

The ugly:

The Graphics look about the same as fallout 3, which is sad, considering this game is a few years newer than F3... though it's not too bad.


Fallout New Vegas isn't a bad game, in fact it is pretty entertaining. Bugs aside, it's worth the 12 dollars or so you can find it in a bargain bin for. The Ultimate Edition doesn't cost much more, and you CAN buy it used, it will have the expansions included on the disk!