F.E.A.R. 3 is the third entry in the F.E.A.R. series of games, a great shooter and a shallow horror game.

User Rating: 8 | F.E.A.R. 3 PC
If you take FEAR too seriously as a horror game, it will disappoint as it will if you are in it for the story. Like it's predecessor, the horror elements or encounters don't feel unique and most of the time feel very generic and poorly placed. There are some locations where the atmosphere tries to grab you by your spine but you won't feel any shivers.
That being said, FEAR3 is a wonderful shooter who's locations often reminded me of Half-Life 2 with gameplay to mach and maybe even go beyond that. You can carry 2 weapons at a time and there's always enough ammo to be picked up for your killing needs and at the same time never overwhelms you with it either. If you can time your shoots right and hit a head or two, you'll find it all very balanced. Be too trigger happy and you may sometimes find yourself searching for scraps. The enemy AI, like in past games, seems very natural, enemies don't get in your way, use cover and are quite happy to throw grenades whenever they don't like the box you are hiding behind. Though you will probably frequently forget why you are killing them, it wont really matter as it will feel fun doing so over and over again. When shooting normal guns gets boring(if it ever does), the game places you into a robot (the kind you get to destroy) just to mix things up a bit.
The level design is quite linear usually with a few larger areas perfectly placed for battles or longer stretched hallways to try and scare you out of your pants, though you can see them coming at least they look original. Areas do change so you definitely won't feel like you are replaying the same old level all over.
The difficulty level always be adjusted if you feel like you are breezing trough the game too fast though the lowest setting offers a great experience where the cover system is still needed to stay alive - especially with bot battles.
FEAR offers local/multiplayer coop where your partner takes the tole of your characters brother. If you are more of a lone wolf, perhaps the multiplayer challenge mode will offer more replay value. Sadly it does not offer any kind of classic game mode such as deathmach but its uniqueness alone will have you coming back for more.

So whenever a shooter fan or are just looking for a fun experience, F.E.A.R. 3 is the right game for you, though its full retail price may be a little off putting - picking it up at a sale is preferred. If you are looking for a horror game, your search continues as FEAR will only bore you.