F.E.A.R 3 is a stunning game, with many differences from the previous games.

User Rating: 8.5 | F.E.A.R. 3 PC
When I saw F.E.A.R 3 on Onlive on their Halloween 3 day free weekend I thought I would give it a shot, I didn't realize that on the second or third day I would end up buying it and finishing it. I got sucked right into the story just on the first moment I began playing it. The story is of 2 brothers, Point Man, the main character, and Fattel, the main characters brother. (Whom is pretty much the evil brother)

The two brothers are the sons of a demonic kind of little girl, by the name of Alma. In F.E.A.R 3, Alma is pregnant, and just about to give birth. Fattel pretty much shows Point Man the way, and Point Man fights his way to Alma. You will find many of the fire fights to be entertaining, the combat in this game is far superior to any other game, like Half-Life, or Call of Duty, and so on.

In those fire fights every once in awhile you will encounter a kind of mini boss, like a mech. The mechs, especially if you aren't in one of your own, will give you a hard time. For me it took me a whole day to defeat my second or third mech, simply because it was a bit of a small space. But I was able to of course kill the mech. The game uses the term Interval instead of Chapters to divide the story. There are 8 intervals total, and each are worth going back to. upon beating the game, you are given the option of playing as Fattel through the story.

The game is worth getting, and I suggest you get it NOW!