Ridiculous fun meets bland production values: This is a solid racing experience that needs a better pit crew behind it.

User Rating: 8 | Excitebots: Trick Racing WII
ExciteBots is such incredible fun, it's hard not to recommend it. Technically, it's a B-level production that gains ground in its gameplay but is hurt by its repetitive locations, bad music and dreadful presentation. Luckily, the game is so zany that you would be very odd not to enjoy it.
The Good:
> Solid controls using the Wii-Wheel.
> Completely crazy gameplay that has you scream SUPER SANDWICH!!
> Very compelling 6-player online, one of the best on Wii.
> Great sense of speed.
> Immediately fun for all.
> Sweet, sweet poker mode.
The Bad:
> Racing locations get really repetitive and hurt the experience.
> Music adds absolutely nothing to the experience. Simply bad.
> Graphics are very bland when not going fast.
> Menus are terrible. Loading on Bot models? Really?
> Bots sound like lawn mowers when upside down.
Gameplay: 9.0
The fundamentals of ExciteBots are rooted in simple racing mechanics. Press "2" to go forward, "1" to brake (hardly ever used), turn the Wii Wheel to turn your Bot, and press the "B" button to use your turbo. In the air, you can tilt up and down to gain more air or drop more quickly. Beyond the basics there are multiple ways to separate the boys from the men. These are exciting to perform such as the jump boost when you boost at the right time to get extra air.

The point of the game, however, is not to get first, but to get the most stars. The game challenges you with several WarioWare-like mini-games that, when performed correctly, give you multiple stars and a speed boost. The better you perform, the more stars you will get and the longer your boost will endure. These mini-games are the joy of this game. Collect bread, meat, cheese and one more piece of bread while riding on a rail to get the SUPER SANDWICH award! Grab a fishing poll and cast out to open water to catch a SUPER FISH! Or, simply make as many turns as you can in the air to get added stars as well. It turns into a frantic excersize that will make you laugh out loud on several occasions, especially with friends.

One of the odd moments of the gameplay is when a horizontal bar is placed in front of you and you have to make a rounding motion with your wheel in order to advance. It doesn't work 100% of the time and can be a bit frustrating. One you get the hang of it, however, it becomes natural and you will begin hopping in your seat faster and faster when it arrives.
Graphics: 7.0
The two good things that can be said about the graphics is that it sure is colorful and it sure presents one speed rush. Beyond these the game is incredibly muddy and unimpressive. The visual style doesn't fit the wacky gameplay and feelings of joy you have as you play. The rest of the presentation is terribly boring.
Sound: 4.0
Why the developers didn't include the ability to insert your own music into these races will never be known, but why oh why does the music have to be so bad? It's techno, it's unexciting and it adds absolutely nothing to the game experience. A real disappointment. The sound design is equally as bad. The Bots sound dreadful, not unlike lawnmowers upside down, and the sound effects are all drowned out because of them. Even the menus and items sound bad.
Replay Value: 8.0
The game is a lot of fun to play, but when you get into the 6-player online mode, it's even more fun. It's sad to say that voice chat is out, but that doesn't mean that you won't be playing this for months to come. Pop it in when you want a laugh or a good, solid game of poker on wheels!
Overall: 8.0
ExciteBots will sadly be overlooked due to the awesome that is Mario Kart, but let it be known that this is a different, more fun experience. It might not boast the production values that most Nintendo games excel in, but it's one heck of a ride!