It's far better then they lead you to beleive.

User Rating: 9 | Excite Truck WII
This game is under-appreciated in every aspect.The gameplay is realy fantastic and has this weird feeling while you play it,you can't help but smile when you plow into a car at like 200 miles an hour and totaly destroy them,or fly off outragious jumps that leave you floating for upwards of 10 seconds.And it looks visualy impressive as well.The water dosen't look fantastic,but you don't have time to look at it when your plowing through trucks going at outragious speeds,realy if you can see vusual flaws in the game then your doing something wrong.....your going too slow!
The single play is great,if a little lacking in the amout of tracks.And probably the one major hit to the game is it's only 2 player,no 4 player and also there is no "finish first to win mode" you always are trying to get the most points,so you can finish second and still win.You get point's by drifting,running though tree's without hitting them,getting air-time, going though rings or crashing into other cars.There is also the ability to do 180's and 360's and so forth,but they seem gimicky and don't work very well.The gameplay realy wipes this game almost clean of it's problems though.Also excite truck has some "mini-games" like "jump though the rings" and "go though the flag poles" and a "kill all of the other cars" mode.The single-player mode is broken up kinda like mario-kart, mario-kart has 50cc and 100cc and 150cc and mirror.
Excite truck has the same thing with the same idea,but with differen't names,it even has a mirror mode like mario-kart dose.And it's addictive.

solid visuals.
great controls.
extremely fun.
awsome multi-player.

bad:not a whole lot of tracks.
lacks a "win by getting first place" mode.
music is terrible,but you can turn it off or use your own music.

You should buy this game if you like crazy,fast,crash filled race games.But if you like simulater racers,then your out of luck,because pretty much everything you do it the game is immpossible.