Novelty for Bruce Campbell fans that's all this is.

User Rating: 5.6 | Evil Dead: Regeneration PC
Well the game would be half good if you could have some helpful options to help the graphics, and maybe switch up the controls. I like the fact you don't have to reload your gun, or pick up ammo at that. It runs like the movie, and has his funny lines in it. I wasn't impressed at all with this one. I only bought it because my GF likes his movies. I thought I'd by it for fun. It was only $10. So you can't go wrong there. They should have done a little more on this one to actually do Bruce some justice. It's funny he probably did it just for some cash. Well I would to. I wonder if he'll make another movie!? Well anyway. I wouldn't get this unless your a Bruce Campbell fan, and need to buy whatever comes out with his name on it. Like his book!? lol