Nothing Good to say - Advice to the manufacturers and Programmers - Don't Quit your day job!

User Rating: 1.6 | Eragon X360
This game is truely horrible. Lets dig through and get the positives. 1) This game holds some minor hack and slash enjoyment for an hour ... maybe 2.

2) Its pretty cheap now adays

3) Achievement points (basically a free 900 -1000

4) Fairly short

Now lets cover the bad

1) Clipping. Your sword will pass through enemies and do no damage, I have walked through my partner character, I have stood with a sword sticking through a wall, etc.

2) Camera - I havent played a game with this bad of a camera. It is fixed. If you walk behind a post, you cannot see. The post does not go transluscent, the post does not disappear, you just cant see. Add to this trying to fight. You cannot zoom out with the camera. You cannot change the camera angle. You cannot look around. You have one little place where you can view and that is all. PERIOD. Very frustraiting

3) Difficulty. Lets review. Hard Normal and Easy. Easy should be easier than Normal, Normal easier than Hard. I cannot tell any difference between the three difficulty settings. If anything I had a harder time on Normal than I did Hard. (Easy is worthless as no achievement points are awarded for easy)

4) Two Player Mode- Should be a plus since there are few 360 games with Multiplayer on the same Xbox. I had high hopes (and was the reason I bought this game). Unfortunately you spend more time working against each other (due to the camera) than you do helping as you share the same small space.

5) Off screen enemies. Anyone else have an issue with shooting an arrow at an enemy you cannot even see! 6) glitchyness: I even saw my escort (partner) character start doing a little dance due to the animation getting STUCK.

7) Graphics - VERY LAST GEN. Little to no real next gen feel. Worst is when you watch a soldier run toward you with an arrow sticking out of his face! Or one out of each LUNG!!!

Bottom line this game is HORRIBLE. I wouldnt even recommend this one even for the achievement points. Its just not worth your money