One-Hour of additional Matrix film footage, exclusive to this game... the only reason to play it.

User Rating: 6.1 | Enter the Matrix XBOX
One of the most anticipated, yet, disappointing games to come out in a long time. However, not your typical movie-tie-in, because an additional hour of film was produced, at the same time the final two films were made, exclusively for this game. Once the thrill of pulling of some impressive, if not spectacular "bullet-time” martial arts moves is over… the game declines really fast. I didn’t count, but I figure that the boasted 600+ different moves is almost impossible to achieve. The levels have very little variety and after a couple of minute in each level, boredom sets in. The levels are way too long and unnecessarily drawn out to extend the over all length of game play.

On the up side, the graphics are great. The additional ‘unlockable’ material is the only reason to play the game. As far as I know, to date, the additional film footage, that ties in The Animatrix, and the 3 movies. The story lines follow the paths of Niobi and Ghost (during the timeframe we’re watching Neo on screen). There’s also a unique “hacking” system to unlock additional levels, weapons, cheats, and of course the video footage. In addition, if you “don’t loose” to Seraph (you can’t really ‘defeat’ him), you get an extra level to play.

I highly recommend choosing the game’s easiest setting, using as many cheats as possible, and unlocking the video footage as soon as possible. It is worth playing through the game twice, as Niobe and Ghost, to get all the footage. All in all, if you find the game cheap, it’s worth it just for the extra hour of movie.