Empire Earth 2: Great ideas, Great Exectution, Great Game

User Rating: 9 | Empire Earth II PC
The sequel to Gamespy's 2001 Game Of The Year PC, Empire Earth 2 has been released. Can it live up to its pedigree? Let's find out! Graphics: The graphics are rather crappy. There is hardly any difference between 2001's Empire Earth and 2003's Empires: Dawn Of The Modern World. But the explosions and smoke from muskets are glorious. Sound: The sound is nothing special. The music is good for the game, the music depends of the civilization. The weapons sounds are fine also. Unit confirmations are rather generic and cheap. Why does the German Teutonic Knight have a British accent? Control: Pretty basic for an RTS. Easy to learn, easy to master. Nothing out of the ordinary here Features: The game features several civilizations to play as. There are the Americans, British, Greeks, Germans, Romans, Babylonians, Turks, Aztecs, and others. Each nation has four unique units, which is a great change from Empire Earth 1. Diplomacy is important in EE2, its diplomacy is deeper than 2003's Rise Of Nations. Many different things are defined in the Treaties, like taxing allies who bum resources off of your land. EE2 takes things from Rise Of Nations, and refines them. Overall: EE2 is the greatest current RTS of 2005. But there are several glitches and omissions. But these will likely be rectified in patches and Expansion Packs. By GeneralCortez