More of the same old great gameplay, the same old horrible voices.

User Rating: 8.7 | Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends PS2
another installation of DW and what can be said?
still great. The setting is still ancient china, and the heroes (and anti-heros)
are still historicaly correct, who said history was boring?
And you can still combine the old DW5 by choosing *load original* in the menu.

The new additions of this XL are Destiny mode, Extreme mode and Legend mode. And a fairly good Edit mode.
Now, if you play this by itself you got a fair game at best, the destiny mode won't hold forever, legend mode feels slightly boring, and extreme mode can feel like too much at times.
But combine it with the original DW5 and you got the musou mode *story mode* and everything else you would expect from DW, wich adds ALOT with 48 different storys.
and ofcourse the challenges and the free mode.

Gameplay: same as always, but destiny mode adds some more character development and some stratigies, it's fairly intresting and with the option to change side's every now and then and with a nice evaluation system you got a fairly solid mode.
The legend mode is basiclly unique scenarios, kinda like side quests if you will.not very interesting since it has no connection to any storylike whatsoever, it's just free-standing scenarios, but it works as fast 10 minute game relief. In extreme mode you play different maps untill you die, basicly like a survival mode, but it adds some intresting things, think of it like a nerfed empire mode and you got it right there.

Graphics: fairly good, there's no blood, but it's understandable since you fight against 50+ enemies at the same time.always. the enviroments are slightly unbalanced with either nice lush enviroments or boring plains.

Sound: i have split the difference in two, the voice acting is HORRIBLE as always, but the in-game music works fine even though it sounds slightly out of place.
but by now the voice acting has become so bad it's cult or something.

Lenght: you can replay it a fair amount of times, and as i said above, if you got the original it helps alot. but then again, killing hundreds upon hundreds of bloodless dudes never grow out of style.

To summarise: this is another fine product by KOIE(even though the voices are so bad it makes rocks cry)
and if you're a fan of the series you need to get this, and if you're new to this, play it anyway.
Oh, if you got any viewpoints about this rewiev, please PM me, i would very much like to know where i could need to be better, thanks.
