A rainy day non hardcore gamer game

User Rating: 7.2 | Dungeon Runners PC
First of you have got to understand this game is FREE and isnt going to cost you £108 a year.


The gameplay is a basic MMO involving hack, slash and spells

The graphics are acceptable

World is mapped similar to gauntlet i.e. levels with a town at the start

Does not become addictive which is a bonus as it does not suck your life away its just something to play when you are bored

The game includes humor, the armourers sound identical to "Fat Bastard" out of austin powers, Some NPCs sound like the early James Bond

The one major thing i believe it has got right is the amount of enemies the average player can take on. For example * Wow makes your hero feel inadequate as you can only take 2 enemies at a time * Guildwars makes you seem as useful as a turd as often 8 players are required to take down for standard enemies unless farming

This game lets the hero take around 6 average foes at once which makes the hero actually feel like a hero.


Money system is unstable
Quests dont give xp
Items are worthless
No trade ability
Movement not quite up to the mark

In conclusion if you are not a hardcore gamer or sick of main stream games play this for a little while until you find something new because its a good filler.