A Legend

User Rating: 9.1 | Dune PC
Dune is one of the, in my opinion, best games of all time. It was the first game I ever played and it really showed me just how good games could be. In the game, you are Paul Atriedies, the heir and son to the duke of the noble house Atriedies. You are given rights to mine the most precious commodity in the Universe- spice. Although it's graphics are incredibly dated to today's standards, it's sound and music I believe is just as good as today's games. Dune was a very hopeful game for it's time. Back in 1993, it was considered state of the art. It tried and I believe succeeded to blend strategy and role-play together into one game. One of the most defining features of the game is the way it slowly introduces you to the game, meaning even the greenest of newbies could play it. Brilliant masterpiece.