The driver 2 is a complex and very interesting game one shouldnot resist.Just like driver on ps 2,with 3 d graphics.

User Rating: 8 | Driver 2 Advance GBA
The driver looks vey much like driver 2 on ps2 where u can steal cars,run with cops as chasing and just guess what u acqure mission hich makes it so interesting.Trust me with 3d graphics driver 2 is going to take u to the next level og gba.With a very good sound to make u drive like u ve never droven before.Driver 2 is just perfect racing game suitable for gba but u will have problem moving the car fast and the graphics needs encouragement but all the same the gameplay is excellent and it should take u about 30 minutes to learn the new skills. Further more with gba allowing you to take the game wherever u like driver2 is going to keep u busy.