The repeating hack n slash gameplay & broad spectrum of fetch quests mke this an average RPG and nothing more.

User Rating: 6 | Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below (Day One Edition) PS4

I love JRPGS just as much as everyone else, however I do usually make it a requirement that there be some type of differences in the gameplay, and right away that is clearly not the case. Dragon Quest dos a good job for providing you with a mediocre story with above average graphics but ghe same repeating enemies that just change colors and yeah I know, but the game messes my score up I been tryin to tell u that for awhile now. Ibecomes very quickly clear that he wont like that one. All players are tasked with doing the entire game, you will face different types of monsters the medals you get allows you to summon somebody, but the medal SYSTEM IS a s cheat half the time regardless of whether you are in need or not. More often time than not, Dragon Quest Heroes implements a clearly unfair and harsh punishment for using characters skills and basically just pummeling all foes easily, they way the game does this and gets away with it are the numerous and repeating quests you to get to protect the person or the shrine or the Tree. Anyways, the later in the story u get and the harder the monster minions you encounter increase in difficulty is almost impossible is where I am at now. I don't know and haven't fully made my mind up yet, but the game doesn't fool me. As an example, one of the goals in Dragon Quest is to gather as many Monster Coins you come across and utilze these monster to protect whoever you need or to watch over of like a guard of something. Yes sure, it should work but as you progress you will find that the game gets very crafty and unfair with the tactics, I have literally watched it happen before my eyes, a monster medal I employ here and if I do too many those more damaging melee and magic attacks enables you to really wallop hun, I'm tryin ma. The monster types at first to new players such as myself seem diverse and ranging, but soon this idea is recurred and repeated with a an exact identity of is twin.]the boring and repetitious quests the game prompts you to take. But there is no difference in any of the of the gameplay in the main story the entire game. In fact aside from the character directions and development and a few exceptions, it would appear that no real thought provocation was put into his and although the side quiz and main story line will help you sink at leas 40 hours brother. The key main thoughts ARE some ok and slightly enjoyable monster killing MOMENTS that are clouded and spoiled by several noticeably recurring themes and a story thattt is so hideously told the first time its told. The hack and slash style old Koei games like Dynasty Warriors . it does a well wnough of job tho. Although if rumors are to be believed, the sequel is on its way to Japan now.