This game is indeed a pretty lousy game. Even for the $10 I spent on it.

User Rating: 3.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Sagas PS2
Now I'm no DragonBall Z fanboy. Although I do have fond memories of the t.v. show from when I was a kid growing up. Anyways I wanted to relive those childhood memories so I picked up Sagas from the local gamestop. I finally get around to playing it now and this is my no bias two-cents on it.

First lets start with the packaging. On the back we read and i quote "DIscover all new parts of the DBZ story...". Ok...what new parts. I mean the only thing that this game did put on the table that was a new (*mild spoiler alert*) boss from the planet yardrat...yes yard...rat. Now I'm no expert but when a company like Atari give false advertising like that i would assume it would make the gaming community a bit upset...oh but wait it gets better.

To add insult to injury, salt to the wound, nail on the coffin whatever phrase you wanna use they actually had the guts to distribute this game to the masses as if we would look past its flaws cause it bears the name "DBZ". Well lucky for us theres a community like ours where we can share our opinions on garbage *coughs* I mean games like these.

On the first stage this game reveals its true colors as it places you in a small dbz world which is horribly designed and worst yet it is covered with worst "mindless" A.I. You then proceed to fight these little pest collecting items as you go and then lo and behold a good...4 minutes later you reach your first boss.(Note: the boss in these levels are actually one of the only decent parts of this game).

After your altercation with the boss you then get a cutscene... hip-hip hooray!(sarcastic) Now these cut scenes are clips from the show mashed together with what appears to be one of those people at the end of a commercial. You know the one that reads the small print really fast. As the nararater. You then proceed to do the whole thing over again in the secound level...then again in the third and so on and so forth.

The story is told so fast and is missing so much info that the person who didnt see the dbz series would have absolutely no clue what the hype was about DBZ.

Now for the good points. The ACTUAL character models are done quite well (by characters I mean Goku...main bosses etc...). And after you beat the game you unlock the cutscenes again in which you can select the "play all" option and see them tied together if you will. That way I'm assuming you can actually understand the game you just beat. You also unlock some pretty decent characters at the end. Sadly though there is no 2 player VS mode for you and a friend to use these new found gems in. However there is a co-op mode and you can turn friendly fire on... dont know if that would work havent tried it.

Now I know my review was tuff on the game, but there was time were I was actually enjoying myself there were some parts better than others but all in all I would say avoid this game but if you are a DBZ fan I'd rather you rent it than pay $10 for it (trust me you can beat this game pretty quick). Or if you find it for $ 2.99 it would'nt be a bad is a video game and it is playable.
Happy Gaming and hope my review helps you make a decision. :)