Tons of replay value.

User Rating: 8.9 | Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension SNES
Ok, granted, the storyline on this game was brief. The gameplay was very easy on story mode. The graphics and sound weren't amazing for the time.

But the real fun came on versus mode.

Once I got good at the game, I played solely in versus mode. I would play the hardest level, give the opponent max bonuses, and weaken everything for myself, and lower health. It was much more difficult, but still beatable if you knew the right combos and strategies. I made so much money betting people that I would win those matches.

I attempted to learn every combo the game had to offer, and kept an ongoing list.

Learning the desperation attacks (combos only available when health is in red) was the hardest part. Trying as many different button combos. Even button mashing to see what might happen. And then having to recreate it, if ever succeeded.

But this game has tremendous replay value. And the satisfaction of performing a desperation attack or winning with all odds against you on vs. is amazing.

Wow your friends. I know I did.