Amazing RPG? I think WoW made people zombies or something.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition) PC
Never seen a game THAT overrated, never. I will make it short, cause you know, I have a life, I'm not paid to review games, and I feel this game doesn't deserve much time from me anyway.


Simply put, amazing visuals. Art is great, technology is great, and performance is perfect. A well designed, well optimized engine. Can't really find anything negative here, so I guess it's a perfect score.



Nice music, could be better. Pretty good voice acting. So-so sound effects.



So...No more D&D hey? So what did you bring on the table my dear Bioware? When I saw there was only four races, I was pretty disappointed. Yeah, there's subcategories, but you know...Can I really put down the game for that? Unfortunately, no. Let's try to have fun with what we have. Let's look at the skills system now. Doesn't look too bad on paper, but still PRETTY basic. Let's wait to see it in action. Conversations, moral choices YEAH! Now you talk. Oups, what's that?..."To continue this conversation's path, log to Bioware Store to buy DLC blahblah"...What a joke. Don't you have any respect for your art? I guess not. What's next, oh items. Didn't really play the game enough to see if the diversity is great enough. Looted some nice looking stuff, but I was not amazed.



So you actually want me to play an MMO, but offline? Too bad, cause I'm the kind of guy who absolutely HATES MMOs. No, not because of the monthly fee, but because of the generic feel of the whole gameplay. I'm not an expert game mechanics analyzer or whatever, so I can't really explain that in much details. But you know, there's a grind feeling, a repetitiveness feeling to MMOs. WHAT A BORE! Only thing I ever found positive about MMOs is having interesting, funny conversations with people online, that's about it. And now you want me to play this kind of stuff, but alone?! COME ON! Really, this game is an Offline MMO, but with tactical elements. A Tactical Offline MMO RPG, so painful. Here's a typical gameplay example you find in MMOs: Focusing the party's attacks on ONE mob at a time, or else you loose. Well, that's a pretty good strategy in any game, but in MMOs and THIS game, it's not a strategy choice, it's a MUST. You MUST do that. And you know what? The damn AI always forget your attack assignments. So you spend time and time and time again pausing the game, clicking on each party member and tell them kill THAT guy, kill THAT guy, every 10 seconds. If you don't do that, they will forget about it within seconds, and attack another one, leading to your demise. A great tactical game with RPG elements? Answer: Fallout Tactics (Amazing Game). Not Dragon Age, no.


Total: 6.5/10

I can accept some like MMO gameplay elements (maybe too much). But people comparing this game to NWN? BG? WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU INSANE? Even the official Gamespot review said it was like playing NWN or something....Really? Did you play NWN with your eyes open but your brain off? Come on MAN!. What an insult to NWN.....

Update: I Finally decided to put more time on this game. There's a lot of good things, despite the evident lack of items, and MMO-inspired gameplay. I'll probably describe more what's good in details later on, when I got time. What I can say for now is that the social/conversation/reputation system is stellar. Gifts are great, and the conversations between the characters made me laugh a bunch of time. I mean, it's so funny at times what they say to each others. +1 to the overall score for that.