Not friendly for newbies but deadly addictive IF yu master the basics,learning the basics probable gonna take min 200 hr

User Rating: 9.5 | Dota 2 PC
played 800+ hrs still haven't played many heroes yet,,that's a good sign !!
,but playing with pro gamer or making a mistake in team fight or not joining the fight is worse than feeding a/c to many players,...,player report is a good harass outside the game which is a hurt some were. mastering individual heroes each time is fun,.and the feeling is too rewarding if you win a game all on your own.each heroes r fun,valve has done great job fr preventing quitters still its inevitable and need to bear the burden.
played 800+ hrs still haven't played many heroes yet,,that's a good sign !!
,but playing with pro gamer or making a mistake in team fight or not joining the fight is worse than feeding a/c to many players,...,player report is a good harass outside the game which is a hurt some were. mastering individual heroes each time is fun,.and the feeling is too rewarding if you win a game all on your own.each heroes r fun,valve has done great job fr preventing quitters still its inevitable and need to bear the burden.