Doom II highly improves on the 1st one in every way, offering several new challenges, and a new weapon to overcome them.

User Rating: 9.2 | DOOM II PC
Yup. IT's back... DOOM is back. And it's called DOOM 2: Hell on Earth. Now the Demons have attacked Earth, and theres more zombies\demons\other stuff to kill... again. which isn't a bad thing, is it? Of course, since it takes place on Earth, you no longer have the green marine suit you needed in space. there is a new weapon that you will be using, the Super Shotgun, which does a hefty amount of damage for something you get early in the game. The entire game consists of One episode, but that episode contains 30 levels and 2 secret levels, so don't get discouraged. Definately get this game if you liked Doom and want more of it.