SOrry its short but..

User Rating: 5.9 | DOOM 64 N64
I have play Doom 64 and it is too DARK I have the brithness up and my tv thing up but its still a great game to pla only thing is I wished they made a multi on it but still its good and awsome gameplay good graphisc bad Sound good Value by now like 10 to 1 and overrale 5.9 Check it out u might not be happy for getting it the one thing is that U have to get Artifacts to beat the game and which I AHVE NO IDEA WHERE is is only on atifact I got but its hard to get but still the funniest thing is when u die and the computer talks to u some lines are "You Lazy !@#" or "Try a Easier level..." SO the comp it funny and the weopn "What the @#$ is this" and its really called that its called W.T.F.I.S. Laser and that is true im not lieing its is really called that but it is still a great game Mediocre

Final Vote

Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 3 (TOO DARK)
Sound: 8
Value: 5
REviews tilts: 5


(PS If I have some Spelling wrong Im sorry please tell me)