If you're a fan of boxing..you''ll appreciate the realistic mechanics.As its very repetitive most will prefer FightNight

User Rating: 8.5 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
Good Game..........I love the story mode although its extremely repetitive..............I played the game in hope of a cutscene...But the fights get boring...........the training gets even more boring.............
Its hard to get a boxing game right..............and 2K nearly done it............
For example the fact that you get a message from Don after EVERY fight is great...................and it goes unnoticed by most....
If the gameplay was a lil' less repetitive it would be hands down much better then Fight Night Round 3...but its not..so Fight Night wins...but its only a unnaminious decision.....................................................................

But also I got the game for free so either way........it was gonna be good...................................