Prizefighter isn't for lovers of Short Attention Span theater.

User Rating: 8 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
Don King: Prizefighter is not for the gamer that only wants jump right in and blast away at an opponent. The game may be more for those folks that remember when boxing matches lasted 15 rounds and to win you put your time in the gym and not in front of the cameras. If you only want mindless violence and everything to be easy, you won't like this game. If you want to build your own boxer, train him, test his metal and follow a story line based on old school boxing, get this game. The controls are responsive when you take the time to train your boxer. That's how boxing works. If you are slow, work on agility, if you are weak, hit the heavy bag. I thought this was a great entertainment package for those who like the fighting side and for those who like the strategy to build a winner. Great video extras.