I suck at these games so "Human" should have been easier...

User Rating: 8 | DmC: Devil May Cry PC
I love the game...but, I'm playing on Human level difficulty and it says at the start...
"Human" is for those who don't play these type of games and just want the story"
I wish it gave more time for time limit scenarios and easier button config.
The game is great for those more used to it's type but...
I am almost to the end after much suffering.
I beat Lilith (Mundus Spawn)
But it's WAY too hard for someone who "Just wants the story."
Please don't write back or judge this with replies like...
"I beat the whole game in ten minutes!"
Yay for you.
Nothing bothers me more than those people who just like to brag rather than help.
I wish I could see the story "Playing on Human"
But I suck at these kind of games...
So close to the end....but not.