It has a familiar narrative and stays true to the source material but as a game it lacks depth and enjoyment.

User Rating: 3.5 | Kuma no Pooh-san: Mori no Takaramono GBC
Of all the Disney stuff that I watched as a kid Winnie the Pooh is the one that I remember least though over the years I've had some refreshers via the Kingdom Hearts games and whatnot. I'll give credit where credit is due and say that this game stays very true to the source material being that it was made by Disney Interactive and also the visual aspects of the game are dead on. That said, this game, much like many other Disney Interactive games is another hodgepodge of derivative mini games mixed with recycled narratives from the show. That's half what I expected going into this game though I have one major issue with this game and it has to do with the overused board game that makes up all the main objectives. You are tasked at the beginning of the game with going out into the 100 acre wood and collecting story books. After which you leave your house and begin your semi linear adventure. When you go onto the side paths you are given items by your friends or can participate in a mini-game of sorts in order to get card for the board game. The board game is the most common mini-game and usually makes you reach a certain point in a given number of turns or is an all-out race against one of your familiar friends. The problem is that this is luck based and unless you have number dice cards to give you an advantage you could lose just based on bad luck. And since you have to get the exact number for the board space it is tedious and frustrating when you circle around your target multiple times. With that said though the narrative is well done and the characters are true to their original mannerisms. I can recommend this game to parents whose kids are fond of the source material but not to any chiseled gamers or adults in search of nostalgic gems. This game just isn't that good.