This game is another great game for the gameboy advance!!!!!

User Rating: 8.9 | Disney's Herbie: Fully Loaded GBA
I played this game and I was really disappointed from this game.

Gameplay: You play as the storyline of the movie which was really fun. You have all these racers to compite in which is really fun. My problem is that the game is too short. It is about 4 hours playing which is bad.

Graphics: The graphics are actually pretty good. The cars look really nice, the race trafics are cool and the people in the stadiums are really cool and beautiful.

Sound: The sound in this game are actually pretty well done. The cars sound cool and the stadium and the crowd chiring are nice.

Value: You can play this game for like 4 hours and then finish the game. The storyline is really short but still it is really fun to play.

Reviewer's tilt: Overall this game is a great game for the gameboy advance and if you are a racing fan then you should probaly want to go and try this one out.