Anyone with a soul will enjoy playing this game for atleast a rental period.

User Rating: 8.3 | Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure GC
Before I begin the review in order for my fingers to survive I am going to use an abbreviation for the title. So whenever I say DESA think Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure. Ok now that we have gotten that over with its time to review.

This is an absolutely perfect game for young kids that like skateboarding. It uses the fantastic THPS4 skate engine but simplifies it to make it a bit easier for younger kids. However that does not at all make it less fun. DESA is a very solid game in all accounts. Adults will enjoy it for a while though it may get old. Multiplayer includes a lot of the modes from Tony Hawk 4. The graphics are very nice and all of the levels are from Disney Movies excluding one so there is a lot of variety. There are lots of characters to choose from though the create a character option is limited (you have to wear a helmet if you have a created character which is probably a good thing. Its been a while since i played (this was a rental for me) so i dont remember much about the sound except that a lot of the characters had the actual actors do the voice. Its a great game for everyone to try out.