Dirt stands apart from all other racing games as the one that nails the balance between arcade and realistic.

User Rating: 10 | DiRT 3 X360
I've been a fan of the Dirt games since the original one launched a few years back. I've completed all missions in both games and am on my way on the third installment. While the first game went for the realistic approach with tuning and repairs between races, the second one threw that away in favor a more rambunctious approach. With Dirt 3 they've nailed the perfect harmony and it couldn't be more fun.

Whether you're racing, drifting, or in a Gymkhana Dirt 3 is a technical racer. Races challenge your traction skills while Gymkhana really tests your handling and precision. This is by far my favorite part of the game. Getting a platinum on some of the challenges has taken me multiple playthroughs and really fine tuned my skills. I love the challenge it presents and the reward is immensely gratifying.

I'd definitely recommend this for someone who is looking for a fun game that can be challenging to 100%.