The best action game made on the PS2 yet!

User Rating: 9.3 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Devil May Cry 3 is a prequel to Devil May Cry. Its one of the best action adventure games made for the PS2 and its even on par with the great Ninja Gaiden. Story: Dante is the son of the legendary dark knight, Sparda. Both Dante and his brother Virgil have a grudge against each other so they end up wanting to fight each other. But theres more to the story than that... Graphics: The game is very nicely detailed. The character models looks really good and also have facial expression. The game's level design also look really good. When in combat the game never slows down and its really smooth throughout the game. Gameplay: DMC3 features a new style system where you get to choose your own style(Trickter, Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Royal Guard). Each style has their own unique attacks and you have to level up to get more combos. The combat in the game is really fast-paced, sometimes i dont really know what im doing. You have your standard dual-pistols and sword and tearing down enemies with them. There is also a combo meter which lets you know how good your combos are and the better combo rank you get the more orbs you receive. Unlike the previous DMC, DMC3 is much harder and never gives you a break, they just keep throwing tons of enemies at you. The boss fights are also really hard. Sound: The voice-acting is pretty good, and Dante always sounds really cocky. The enemies, guns, and swords all have their own unique sound. The music in DMC3 is more heavy-metal type of music which is pretty cool and fits the game. Replay/Value: The game is a must have for PS2 owners. Tons of unlockables and you can play the game over again with different styles. DMC3 never gets old.