The Devil May Cry... right after handing you a can of whoop ass!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Dante's back after a very disappointing sequel. So to resurrect himself, he does what any celeb does when they go down and out, he goes back to his roots. Yes we get a brief history lesson about Dante and his family. And what a way to go!!! First off, this game is no walk in the park like the first DMC (I for one would like to act like DMC 2 never existed) this baby is freakingly hard and unforgiving. But that's only because of the button layout and and at the speed you forced to learn the game. I do repeat this no walk in the park!!! Also the camera angle messes up everything. In certain stages, you can lock onto enimies, kill them without even seeing them. Also, the menu layout took a while to get use to. All in all I found no problem with when playing the game. Graphics are great but you easily see that they have pushed the PS2 engine as far it can go. It's not bad, but compared to Ninja Gaiden, it it's not. But none the less it's good. Environment details are great. The audio is freaking outstanding. From the haunting theme song, the voice overs, the sound efftects and the gothic haunting feeling you get when playing is great. Everything has been beautifully mastered. How else can I put it! The game is great. If you are not a hardcore gamer or is quick to get frustrated when playing a game don't but this. There will be time when you and be heavily pissed. Trusted me I had my time but good this game is good. This is one is gonna place as an instant classic.