You just know you have a good thing when...

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
... The worst that can be said about a game is "it's too hard". This game is a breath of fresh air, for the DMC series and for serious gamers everywhere. Devil May Cry 3 is another game which is destined to be in the same hallowed line as Ninja Gaiden, and Shinobi. A reworked... EVERYTHING, has led to a visually stunning game, full of rich sounds and that atmosphere we all CRAVED in DMC 2, and did not get. With the release of DMC 3, fans of the series can let out that deep breath they've been holding, and pick up the controller. I have chosen to see DMC 2, much as the Highlander 2 movie... a fluke... a hiccup in the series, which is utterly ignored in following iterations. Where to begin. The graphics are some of the best in an action game on the playstation 2, and they are put to good use. The enemies from the first game are reinvented and given a more "solid" feel in DMC 3. New challenges and outsized boss fights await the patient gamer... and here is where we come to what everyone is talking about. You must be patient. This game is hard, but there is a time when the mechanics become instinctive, and you become capable of AMAZING things. Because of this, and the unique style system (the depth of which cannot be ignored), DMC 3 has enormous replay value. I don't feel the need to go into too much depth, since the gamespot review hit all of the major points very well. Suffice it to say, that in the opinion of an old school gamer, who remembers when buying a game, was not a free ticket to BEATING a game, that this is an experience no real gamer should miss.