This is not only Dante's awakening its everyones awakening. Get ready for a jaw dropping adventure.

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Devil May Cry 3 is what Devil May Cry 2 should have been. This game impressed me from the start and it is great how it can follow along with the gameplay. It surprised me, but are you quite ready yet? Like I stated in the introduction, Devil May Cry 3's gameplay is extraordinary. There is alot of different bosses. It follows nicely. It keeps it all together and packs a powerful ending at the end of levels. The graphics are one of the best things about it. Like Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3 has Capcom's top graphics. Dante looks real the bosses look real and there is no blocks in it. Screenshots will prove the power of Capcom's graphics. The sound of Devil May Cry 3 is impressive. I dont think it could get better. There is nothing holding the sound back from reaching ultimate power. Devil May Cry 3 can bring out the best sound of a PS2 game. Devil May Cry 3 will provide some strong value. You will get at least 15 hours out of it and that is only an estimate it may take longer. Just like any other great game, this one will want to be replayed. Replaying a game brings out some hidden features you dident know were in it the first time through. Overall Devil May Cry 3 is the rebound for the series. It could possibly be in Capcom's top 5 best game. Respect Capcom here. The only thing holding this game back is the difficulty. It can be fustrating if you are new at it. Give it a chance and it will improve. Wake up from your sleepy DMC 2 adventure and replace it With Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. Pick up a copy of Devil May Cry 3 today!