So hard Im like, WHA HAPPEN?

User Rating: 9.3 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Wow this game is hard fun...but hard... the movies and story (thus far) are great...great production values the gameplay is extremely fun...crazy moves and combos, make trying to get a good rating fun...but it is rediculosly hard...imagine playing Ninja Gaide (another great game) without a block button...thats what this is like sound is is rocking while ur flying around blasting ebony and ivory graphics...meh, its PS2, the graphics are mix of great and primitive...sometimes things (like a gun in a cut scene) look like a gun from the original Tomb RAIDER, but the evironments and dante are super detailed So far this game is good fun...but HARD...when u die u have to start the WHOLE mission over (im on mission 4 and on mision 3 there was no save point, i dont know if this changes) which could be20-30 mins of play, and with the difficult bosses, i see this being a control thrower later in the game, but will make it more rewarding when i win...BABYS...oh yea, if u do a secret mission and die (which u will) u have to start the mission over....REDICULOUS but it is easy to g backand play an missiona nd if u beat it, u keep all the stuff u collected, iso i guess ill be replaying many a board Bottom line... if u like the first DMC (i skipped 2), and u were lucky enough to play Ninja Gaiden and saw its greatness... than u will love this game...i do...and my fingers already are in serious pain (3 missios in)