Capcom has rejuvinated the amazing Devil May Cry Series.

User Rating: 10 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
This game is incredible. From the moment it loads it just breathes bad ass. Dante is back (whoever that impostor was in DMC2 is gone) and better than ever. Devil May Cry was my favorite game, and I was very disappointed by the second one. This came kicks the first ones ass. The fighting is amazing and so is the combo system. I have never played anything like this game. Though just as the great Greg Kasavin said, this game is hard. It is so hard in the first couple of levels you die a lot. But it's worth it. Once you get used to the fighting it becomes so much fun. You feel so cool once you've mastered it and you feel like such a badass playing as Dante. The cutscenes are easily the best I've ever seen. They look like they were taken straight from a movie. This game is a must buy for any hardcore gamer but the casual gamers will probably never get past the difficulty which is (lame joke coming) demonic. This game amazing and the bosses and enemies are extremely fulfilling once beaten. The game straight up rocks.