As much as it is hard it's fun, and this is one hell of a hard game.

User Rating: 9.3 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
I wanted to write this from the perspective of being fresh into the game, not having beaten it, to mainly say that while the game is hard it is not impossible or as difficult as the GS review made it out to be. Will you die? You sure will, probably a fair bit. The thing is though it isn't because the game cheated, or an enemy can't be hit, or is way to fast, or too difficult to kill. At first it will seem like that is the case, but as you play you'll find that things slowly beginning to seem a little easier. An when you do die and it takes you back, you'll be amazed how the area just maybe 10 or so minutes ago is so much easier than it was, not because of power ups or new weapons, but purely because even if you do not realize it you are observing and remembering there patterns and in an almost second nature rolling and jumping out of the way. The combat is amazingly fun, the stuff you can pull off and the crazy combos are just a blast. A favorite of mine is when using Swordmaster to do the sword strike that raises them into the air, follow them up there, do a few quick strikes, and then use the shotgun to blast them into a wall... It's just satisfying. The story so far is interesting, I look forward to where it is going and I can't wait to see some of the bosses, because the first three are just flat out awesome and i imagine they will only get cooler. There are two downsides to the game, but they aren't really big deals. Obviously being as it is a PS2 game the graphics aren't the best in the world, they do the job, and for a PS2 game they look amazing. The other downside is that the controls are difficult to get used to, not the rolling or anything, that’s pretty simple, but the way in which the actions are placed on the control pad. I'd recommend using the options to switch them to a more comfortable arrangement. Though my problem could easily stem from my hands being to big and needing to use O all the time for style moves hurt after a while, so that may not even be an issue for most people. Overall, there really isn't a reason not to buy this game, I'm playing it on normal and it is hard, but in a fun challenging way, not in the insurmountable why even try this game is a cheating piece of crap way. An if it is too hard, easy is still there as an option, and if you think about using easy don't feel bad, US Easy is like Japans Normal and US Normal is like Japans Hard, so there really is no reason not to go to Easy (Normal) if Normal (Hard) is too difficult. So if you enjoy action games, buy Devil May Cry 3. It is the best of the best when it comes to kicking ass and looking good doing it.