Best PS2 Action game to date, w00t.

User Rating: 9.6 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Gameplay: Is totally awesome, and I thought POP2 had awesome moves and gameplay, DMC3 proved me SO wrong, so many possibilites! only so much time a human body can go without moving! Take it this way...when life gives you Four styles, 5 melee weapons, 5 guns and DT's...make some kick ass demon slaughtering action, countless combos, dozens of super cool moves with melee weapons and guns. And some kick ass DT's and bosses...Don't complain about the difficulty. No one cares. You can't beat normal? Thats why theres an easy. Graphics: Awesome! 60fps for this game! Sahweeet. And hardly any slow-down time at all too! Great graphics, even for my ol' PS2 it still runs fast and smoothe. The camera although can be of an annoyance until you get used to it. Sound: Great voice-acting, a few corny lines, and some kick ass heavy-metal and gothic music. Great sound effects as well. Value: Totally worth your $50-$80. Great game with great replay value, possibly the greatest action adventure PS2 game of 2005. Conclusion: DMC3 is a 9.6, with its great gameplay, awesome graphics, ear tingling sound and all out kick ass awesomeness.