To give a game a perfect 10 is a lot. This game definately deserves that perfect 10, simply because it has no faults.

User Rating: 10 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
The first DMC stunned us all with it's amazing, innovative gameplay, gothic environments, badass main character, sweet enemy designs, and addicting gameplay. DMC2 was a true failure. I'm not afraid to admit it: DMC2 sucked bad. But do not worry, friends. Devil May Cry is back, and trust me, it's WAY better than ever. The first thing I will talk about is DMC3's gameplay, the best part of the game. At the starting of the game, you start off with 4 styles to choose from. Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Trickster, and Royal Guard. Swordmaster allows you to do more sword moves, Gunslinger allows you to target two enemies, do a falling bullet rain, and more, Trickster lets you dash, run up walls, and teleport, and Royal Guard lets you counter attack and release your power. Each style is there to fit your tastes. A new addition to the gameplay is on-the-fly weapon switching. Say you do a 3 hit sword combo, million stab, high time, Aerial Rave, shoot them, switch to Agni & Rudra, do their Aerial Rave, preform a down slash, switch back to Rebellion, and hit them to the ground. You can do that in Devil May Cry 3. And trust me; it's mad fun, and fast. There are 5 melee and 5 long range weapons. You get the melee weapons as you go through the game, and you get the long range weapons if you find them. Devil May Cry 3's graphics are also amazing. From the character designs, to the gothic environments, to the enemies, they are some of the best ever seen on a PS2. Devil May Cry 3's dialogue is funny and corny, but that's the great part. Dante is just a cocky, corny guy. Lost of people don't like it, but I sure do. The music is also very addicting and you will often find yourself humming or singing it. Another thing DMC3 succeeds in is the cutscenes. Absolutely over-the-top action. From jumping down a building fighting giant flaming birds, to surfing on an enemy in your apartment. DMC3 has it all, and it does it amazingly. Now let me warn you. This isn't a game for people who found DMC2 hard, for people who enjoy Barbie games, or for people who will throw their controller down if they loose to a boss in Tekken. This game is for people who can control their temper, unless you have 100 spare controllers handy. If you die at a boss, or anywhere in the level without yellow or golden orbs, you have to start the level---the whole level---over again. This is the frustrating part. The hard part are the bosses and the fairly-tough enemies. This game isn't for people in anger management. Trust me. The replay value is really great, too. You can unlock extra costumes, gameplay videos, motion capturing scenes, and more. It doesn't take much to replay the game. It's definately fun enough. I have one complaint. This is not a big complaint. The camera. SOMETIMES, it gets stuck behind a pole, platform, table, etc. But this can usually be fixed with the press of a button. But the camera also does good things. It's very cinematic. So why does this game deserve a 10? Well...the game doesn't have any faults, besides the camera, which is very minor. It's perfect. Absolutely amazing. If you like action games, go right ahead and buy this game. It was definitely worth my 67 dollars. Just make sure you can handle the frustration, but this is a one of a kind game. A rare game. A perfect game.