Its rare to find a "fps/rpg" that lets the player play the game how they see fit, Deus Ex:HR hit a home run

User Rating: 9.5 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC
At first glance from game play footage prior the release i was a little skeptical with the dated facial animations and the 'cut scene" take downs, and the graphics were not exactly ground breaking.

All those doubts i had were blown away once i fully got into the story, Getting lost on the world that is deus ex. I truly felt like i was Adam Jensen and was given the task to play the game according to my (Adam jensen) moral gauge. honestly i sat at the end of the game for 20 minutes before making that final crucial decision!!!

The story is a spy and espionage thriller full of twists and conspiracies. It felt so satisfying to get sucked into the story line where every decision i made impacted how the the game would play out.
For example, "early in the game i alerted some guards by accident the guards chased me down a hallway. Suddenly im trapped, feeling the pressure of the guard's advance i began to panic, i was running low on ammo and did not have enough energy to take them out, i saw a crate so i decided to use it as a weapon picked it up and hurled it at the first guard to turn the corner. The guard stumbled back as the crate hit his face. Preparing for a valiant last stand before my own demise i notice an air duct out the corner of my eye. I immediately opened it and dashed in as the guards opened fire with bullets whizzing past my head. safe for a moment i thought but the alarm was triggered and robot sentries where deployed. I pressed onwards to stumble upon the security room of this floor. Relying on my extensive hacking skill i easily got passed the level 3 security on the computer and turned the robot sentries and turrets on the guards. I sat back and watched on the cameras as the guards were torn to pieces, and this was all done by luck and my cunning." extremely satisfying experience that i dont often find in single player shooters or even rpgs.

Even though i really enjoyed this game and have to admit this game doesn't go with its own little problems and technical glitches. which ill list here.

-strange pixalation on characters faces during talking scenes (the character models have small black dots pop up randomly at times over the character model, not bad enough to detract me from my immersion)
-character facial animations are bland
-Load times (granted this was fixed but i was already 60% through the game, but going from 30-45sec load times to 3-4 sec load times was awesome!)
-dumb a.i.- most of the time the a.i. is pretty dumb not Crysis 2 dumb but pretty close
-strange frame rate drops (i say strange because the game runs well over 60 fps on my rig but dips down to 30 at times when nothing is going on like i walk around a corner but it doesnt happen to often)
-and Adam jensen's doesnt move his mouth when talking on a com to pritchard (post up behind cover while talking to pritchard makes u think adam jensen is a psychic lol
-npc's in the world are bland and sometimes plan ugly like a few scientists u talk to through the game look horribly out of place talking to Adam who is quite striking
-combat can be a bit tedious ( i found run and gun is far harder than being stealthy)
-Boss fight's has very little choice and relies on combat to win (though the last boss fight was really interesting)

-everything else about the game is awesome
-awesome story
-Great character development
-endings (though i would have liked to know how the characters ended up)
-augmentations are so BAD A$$
-the details in the world
-complete immersion (I actually connected emotionally with the character)

Play time is around 26 hours, i found it a bit shorter i finished the main story and all but 1 side quest in 21 hours on the hardest difficulty, the game wasn't too challenging but really made me think. though i wish i could start over with my current list of augments, would make it even more fun!

Final thoughts:
Best damn single player game i have played in years, I really cant wait for the next one!!! sorry fallout 3 and ME:2 this game takes the cake!